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You are entering the task phase of a project and need skill set-specific personnel on a short-term basis.

As your safety project management partner, Safety Training and Consulting safety experts bring extensive on-the-job experience for surges, growth periods and specific project requirements. In addition, our project planning and management capabilities help you see the entire project and help you anticipate specific short-term staffing needs. Safety Training and Consulting’s reputation in project staffing is second to none, providing you with exceptionally qualified personnel to help you mitigate injuries, keeping your project on time,on budget and in compliance.

Staffing Pg PicSafety Training and Consulting safety experts bring extensive on-the-job experience to your project in many areas including:

  • Skill set-specific personnelSafety Training and Consulting safety experts are highly qualified for skill set and task-specific operations. More than just classroom-educated technical personnel, each of  our safety expert brings extensive on-the-job experience and a high level understanding of the task or operation.
  • Manpower assessment, planning, staffingSafety Training and Consulting safety experts help you anticipate staffing needs based on the task, project or operation at hand. We look at the entire project and provide a staffing plan based on your needs.
  • Regulatory complianceSafety Training and Consulting safety experts bring to your project experience with OSHA and MHSA compliance. Their ability to function according to regulatory policies & procedures assures that your project and job site will be in full regulatory compliance.
  • Training Safety Training and Consulting believes an educated worker is a safer and more productive worker. Our safety experts bring more than just skill-set specific capabilities to the project – they bring the ability to educate your personnel regarding safety and regulatory issues, making your workplace a safer environment.

Contact us today to understand the benefits of Safety Training and Consulting Staffing services.